Fire and Ice: Part 2 – Construction Begins

I am building a costume for a party with the Theme of Fire and Ice. I have one week!

Yesterday’s work, starting small:  here is the finished apron for the front – you can see how prettily the back apron will cover it at the sides.  (needs red velvet ribbon down that side seam…. Maybe after the party!)

A fire red ballgown with a gold lame skirt and a purple sash are mounted on a mannequin
A red silk ballgown with a purple sash is mounted on a mannequin

Also the back “hide the center zipper” piece is done and trial -pinned.

detail of a red silk peplum pinned to a bodice

I really love this purple sash -particularly the way the tasseled drapes hang down the back of the dress!  Pity about the color.  If only it were red.  Perhaps I can find some scarlet satin at some point.   I love the way the back of the skirt looks with the sash twisted like that!

detail of a purple sash pinned to the waist of a red silk ballgown
a purple sash pinned to the back of a red silk ballgown




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