STOP PRESS!! This is an important ribbon embroidery announcement! The sewing gods are being benevolent. After twelve years and four moves, a silk ribbon embroidery project that vanished in our move to Chile from Australia in 2011 has resurfaced! It appeared at the top of a box that I have certainly opened and filled and searched and closed and opened and filled again –

When I began this piece, I was making up a series of little silk jewellery pouches, using up the odd lengths and tail-ends of silk ribbon in my scrap bag. At some point or another, I was sort of over all of the intense color contrasts and decided to experiment with something a little more monochromatic. When it comes to color, I tend to favor Oomph over Subtlety, so monchrome was something of a challenge, but I took inspiration from the rusty wheat fields in the farming district around Whyalla – the town where I was living at the time, and I decided to embroider a field of wheat. Gold on gold.

I thought that it came out very well. In fact, I loved how the dusty ribbons worked with the dusty fabric and became something that shimmered softly in a way the eye could rest upon. But before I had a chance to do anything with this piece, we were packing ourselves up for our move to Chile – and until last week, that was the last I saw of it.
But now it is back! Not wishing to waste one more moment, I’ve taken my golden wheat and sewn it up into an embroidery pouch. It’s proper destiny has been FULFILLED. The pouch was originally intended as a gift for someone, but I no longer remember who, and I will keep it. But please, y’all, tell me where to keep it – so that I don’t forget and lose it for another twelve years!