It began fiberfill – fiberfill and a dream. Mr Tabubil, I was determined, was getting one serious Christmas present – the most giant Christmas Squid in Santiago.
Sewing Stuffed Elephants
All of our friends seem to be having babies right now. I’ve been very busy sewing baby presents, and now I’m sewing stuffed elephants!
Zombie Halloween Monkeys: Tutankhamonkey and Monktenkahmum
Meet Tutankhamonkey and Monktenkahmum. These two zombie monkeys lurched their way into the house around about Halloween and decided to stay.
I See Purple Elephants….
Alas, I still see purple elephants…. everywhere. His name is is Roger. Roger Featherstone Umbrage the Fourth.
Another Stuffed Pig Softee: Rain Beat Hats
it is raining too hard to sew today. I can’t hear the sewing machine. Instead – here’s a picture of another stuffed pig softee.
Silk Ribbon Embroidery: Nasturtium
Currently my favorite color for silk ribbon embroidery is Nasturtium by Color Streams. I am using it to embroider purple pigs!
This is Clarice
This is Clarice. She is dressed up as Miss Piggy for a New Year’s Eve party, but she’s only six, and she’s only allowed to stay up till nine.